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Our role as advisor is to be right by your side, helping you to assess your risk exposure and make the relevant decisions, not only for transferring your risks to the insurance market but also as far as preventive measures are concerned.

Even though legislation on protecting the environment is undergoing great change in France, Europe and the USA, an increasing number of countries in the world are becoming concerned, with widely differing laws.

Quite apart from their own liability, business leaders are exposed to transport risks, business interruption and works or services required to restore biodiversity.

Consequently, Bessé has designed specific solutions enabling them to offer innovating cover both in France and abroad, extending beyond the coverage usually provided by insurers.

For example, as early as 2011, Bessé came up with an insurance solution for covering the risk of ecological harm as a result of the « Erika » ruling, following the judgment rendered by the Paris Court of Appeal, i.e. before the decision by the Court of Cassation in 2012 and before the Law incorporating this ruling (dated 8th August 2016 known as « Reconquering biodiversity, nature and landscapes) was adopted.

A few key figures

3 out of 5

of the top risks identifies as major are environmental (Source: Global Risks Report, World Economic Forum 2019). 

500 k 

classified facilities in France in 2018, 25 000 subject to authorisation, 16 000 subject to registration ans 1 300 "SEVESO" facilities. 

2 000  

orders of formal notice and 433 administrative sanctions (consignment, penalties, suspended activity, closure, works, fines) in France in 2018.